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Application Type: Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment
File Numbers: OPA No. 8 & ZBA 5-2024-85 of 2002
Public Meeting: TBD
What's Proposed?
Please be advised that Monteith Brown Planning Consultants (c/o Jay McGuffin) submitted the above-noted Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications for the property municipally known as 275 Wellington Street.
These applications are as follows:
OPA No. 8 Amend the City of Sarnia Official Plan to add a site and area-specific policy to allow a high-rise apartment building only within the development limits illustrated on Schedule ‘A’ subject to the policies of the Mixed-Use Corridor II Designation.
ZBA No.5-2024-85 of 2002 Amend the City of Sarnia Zoning By-law 85 of 2002, to establish two separate site-specific zones (north and south) as follows:
North - change from Urban Residential 5-32 (‘UR5-32’) Site Zone to a new ‘Urban Residential 5-33 to add Auditoriums, Commercial schools, Commercial recreation establishments, Medical centres/clinics, Offices, Public halls, Restaurants, Retail establishments and Studios as new additional permitted uses along with site-specific zone provisions.
South - change from an Urban Residential 5-32 (‘UR5-32’) Site Zone to a new ‘Urban Residential 5-34 to add street multiple attached dwellings as new permitted uses along with site-specific zone provisions.
All submission materials are available for review under the 'Documents' section.
Application Type: Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment
File Numbers: OPA No. 8 & ZBA 5-2024-85 of 2002
Public Meeting: TBD
What's Proposed?
Please be advised that Monteith Brown Planning Consultants (c/o Jay McGuffin) submitted the above-noted Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications for the property municipally known as 275 Wellington Street.
These applications are as follows:
OPA No. 8 Amend the City of Sarnia Official Plan to add a site and area-specific policy to allow a high-rise apartment building only within the development limits illustrated on Schedule ‘A’ subject to the policies of the Mixed-Use Corridor II Designation.
ZBA No.5-2024-85 of 2002 Amend the City of Sarnia Zoning By-law 85 of 2002, to establish two separate site-specific zones (north and south) as follows:
North - change from Urban Residential 5-32 (‘UR5-32’) Site Zone to a new ‘Urban Residential 5-33 to add Auditoriums, Commercial schools, Commercial recreation establishments, Medical centres/clinics, Offices, Public halls, Restaurants, Retail establishments and Studios as new additional permitted uses along with site-specific zone provisions.
South - change from an Urban Residential 5-32 (‘UR5-32’) Site Zone to a new ‘Urban Residential 5-34 to add street multiple attached dwellings as new permitted uses along with site-specific zone provisions.
All submission materials are available for review under the 'Documents' section.