New Sarnia Zoning By-law
On July 25, 2022, Sarnia City Council adopted the new Sarnia Official Plan. Following the plan's adoption, work began on a comprehensive Zoning By-law Review, which will result in the preparation of a new Zoning By-law for the City of Sarnia. The Planning Act requires municipalities to update their Zoning By-laws within three years of adopting a new Official Plan to ensure they conform.
What is a Zoning By-law
A Zoning By-law is a legal document that implements the City’s Official Plan and is the foundation for the day-to-day administration of land use standards across the city.
The City’s zoning by-law regulates the use of land in the City, including:
- how land may be used
- where buildings and other structures can be located
- the types of buildings that are permitted and how they may be used
- the lot sizes and dimensions, parking requirements, building heights and densities and setbacks from the street.
Construction or new development that does not comply with the zoning bylaw is not permitted unless an application for relief is approved by the approval authority – typically Council or the Committee of Adjustment.
Preparing a new Zoning By-law
Development of the new Zoning By-law was based on the following key factors:
- simplifying and streamlining the document
- conforming with updated policies/principles from the Province
- implementing the new Official Plan
- pre-zoning land for intensification
- respect recent development approvals
The new zoning bylaw aligns with the City’s Official Plan and is user-friendly, streamlined, and transparent to provide a more efficient development review process.
Please submit any comments on the Draft Zoning By-law to and